Sasaki Landscape  | 佐々木風景画

Maremitsu Sasaki

Mr. Sasaki is known in Ushibuka for being particularly knowledgeable about its history. He chose to focus on an aspect of the town that physically changed it more than anything else. For his photograph, we went to Kompira Shrine, named for a guardian deity of seafaring. It had formerly been on top of a small mountain in the center of town, but in the 1970's, the mountain was removed so that the town could be expanded inwards. He told me that some have come to believe Ushibuka's fishing industry has declined because the shrine was moved from its original location, angering the spirit that resides there. 

"Ushibuka, fifty years ago: fisherman set out to catch big hauls of fish, and the town's plan began. They cleared away Kompira Mountain, named for the guardian deity of seafaring, and Ushibuka became a beautiful town. Forty years have passed, and voices of fisherman setting out for big hauls have grown small. Now, that abundance behind us, we continue to cultivate our fishing industry. I love Ushibuka, full of humanity and kindness.."